Be Sure To Hire A Licensed Contractor For All Of Your Aluminum Construction Needs
To further assist and continue serving SWFL to my fullest potential, I will be completing my Continuing Education classes in July. These courses equip myself and other Licensed Contractors with the latest information and standards to help my/our present and future clients. Remember, always protect yourself by hiring a Licensed Contractor.

Have You Hurricane-Proofed Your Screened Enclosure?
As we all know, the four seasons of the year consist of Winter, Spring, Summer and Fall. This holds true in every part of the United States except for Southwest Florida. Here, our seasons consist of Summer, More Summer, Winter (which is usually only two weeks long), and our least favorite season of the year… Hurricane Season.
Whether you live inland, or on the coast, Hurricane Season is an unfortunate part of our lives, because it could mean devastating property loss year after year. Statistics clearly show that hurricanes destroy more property than any other natural disaster in the United States. History has also shown that a lack of awareness and preparation is often a common thread in most hurricane disasters.
Did you know you can do a lot to safeguard yourself and your loved ones against severe weather systems by simply having your enclosures inspected by a trusted and experienced licensed professional?

Sherman Walker II
Weakened screened enclosures, patio enclosures and pool enclosures are often the first structures to be blown apart during a severe weather system, tearing large openings into your home and letting in the destructive elements. Further, the flying debris from these torn-away structures could then damage surrounding neighborhood homes or businesses, or worse, injure unsuspecting people in its path.
Protect yourself and others by scheduling necessary repairs before hurricane season begins. Prepare your screen enclosure now by contacting me today. I will inspect your concrete anchors, cables, bracing and fasteners and “tune up” your enclosures with any necessary repairs to get them hurricane ready. For your free inspection, please call me at (239) 244-4999, or email me today!